Sean was an integral part in the first phase of my ability to get in shape. With Sean’s help I was healthier and stronger at 38 than I was at 18. He made working out as simple as possible and was very good at answering any questions I had along the way.

-Carlos G.

I began working out with Sean in September of 2016! I can honestly say that having Sean as my personal trainer was one of the BEST decisions I've made in my life. He was patient with me and my progress. When I felt like giving up he encouraged me to keep going. I hate working out but he made it tolerable...Thank you Sean for pushing me, and for helping me become a better version of me! 

- Ebonie W.

Sean Langford trained both me and my wife, Merissa, for almost 2 years. These were group trainings and that would seem quite a challenge for any trainer, seeing as I am rather tall (6'2") and my wife is very petite (5'0"). Obviously we had different strengths and needs. Sean had no problem tackling this by providing complex training routines that were challenging for both of us and helped us reach our different goals. He even went so far as to design a 3 month workout routine for our "off days" that was similar to one college/pro athletes would use. The thing we enjoyed about Sean is that this isn’t just a job for him, he is passionate about personal training and helping his clients reach and even surpass their goals.  Sean is always willing to go above and beyond. A specific example is that he assisted in my proposal to my wife. Yes, I proposed at the gym, because thanks to Sean, the gym was a very important part of our life together. He was part of the reason Merissa and I were able to pursue a life of fitness.

- Nick & Merissa D.

For several years, I was in a rut with both my diet and exercise, I rarely made significant process, and with all the information available online these days about diets and workouts I found it hard to come up with a good plan and stick to it. Sean gave me the tools and the confidence I needed to succeed. From the very beginning, he was incredibly helpful and informative. Sean helped me with many things: understanding exercises and terminology, training tips and safety, rest and recovery, and even dietary guidelines. With the help and guidance I received, I successfully lost over 11% of my total body weight in the first 8 weeks!

- Scott L.

I really enjoyed having Sean as a trainer. He is a very organized individual whose workouts were thoughtful on many levels. He always ensured each individual of our group was equally challenged by including slight modifications to maximize the potential of each individual. I greatly appreciated how he rotated the focus of our workout routines (between cardio and strength) throughout the years to keep us challenged and interested. After working with Sean, I have been left with a greater appreciation for how form and different types of training (yoga, cycling, etc.) can benefit my overall fitness.”

-Tyson A.